We are One!

Overlea's mission and vision statements

Mission Statement

To maximize student potential by providing quality and equitable instruction within a professional and inclusive environment to ensure our students are well prepared to achieve success in college and in the workforce. To ensure our graduates advocate for social justice, have sound judgment, the academic skill set, and perseverance necessary to succeed in and make contributions to a globally competitive society.

Vision Statement

Overlea seeks to communicate through its vision and cultural norms that will govern how its students, staff, and community will engage in educationally relevant behaviors aimed at improving student achievement and college and career readiness for all is students.


Click to view our School Progress Plan.

Support us in helping your Overlea scholar follow The Overlea Way!

important information

Can you believe it's already second semester of the 2023 - 2024 school year? Please take a few minutes to read our Second Semester Reminder Message to help your scholar be successful at Overlea High School. We appreciate your support as we make their learning environment safe and secure.

Here are a few general reminders:

 - School starts at 7:45 am. Doors open at 7:30 am. Students are late to school if they are not in their classes ready to learn at 7:45 am. 
 - If students arrive to school after 9 am, they must have an excuse note from a parent/guardian or a phone call will be made home.

- Please do not park in the bus loop after 1:45 pm as our buses arrive that early to prepare for afternoon dismissal.

- No early dismissals after 2 pm. If your scholar needs to leave early, please pick them up before 2 pm.

-ALL students must have a Student ID! If your child lost theirs, please use this link to purchase a new one. All students were given ID's if they had their picture taken at school either last year or this year. If they are new to Overlea, please have them to come to the front office to be put on a list to have an ID made for them.

Thank you for helping our school operations run smoothly! We appreciate your support!


Transportation Information
Does your scholar ride a bus? Be sure to check out the Overlea Transportation Letter and BCPS Student Guide to Transportation.
Here is a map of where the buses will be located on campus. Bus Loop Locations.
Have additional BCPS transportation questions? Click BCPS Office of Transportation Website.

Is your scholar a car rider? Be sure to review our Parent Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures!


Welcome Back to School!

Welcome Back Information Packet - Be sure to read through our welcome packet! It contains a lot of important information like a letter from our principal, Dr. Sample, our new way - The Overlea Way, norms and expectations, message from the nurse, and much, much more! 

School Supplies List 2023 - 2024 - We all just love school supplies! Get your list here, but keep in mind, some teachers may require different supplies!

Creating a Parent Account in Schoology/Focus - be sure to register to keep up with your scholars grades and attendance! Create an account!

Are you planning to attend an athletic event like a Friday night Football game? Be sure to read our Athletic Events Procedures to learn the do's and don'ts like no bookbags, no outside food/drinks, and no re-entry!

need help finding your zone school?

Click here to find your Baltimore County zoned school using your address.





 Overlea Cares


Principal DR. Sample

Ms. Sample, Principal

Dr. Sample