Welcome to Temple Emanu El

I am so honored to serve as President of Temple Emanu El.  With the support of our amazing Rabbi, staff, teachers, Temple Board, and volunteers, wonderful things are ahead for our congregation.  

So, how did I get to this place in my life?  I married into the TEE family 35 years ago when Rabbi Roberts officiated at my wedding to Lisa. (Her grandparents had become members only a few years after TEE’s founding in the 1950’s.) We have been active members ever since. Our children grew up at Emanu El, were very active in youth group, and graduated from the Religious School. TEE gave them the knowledge and confidence to go into the world as Jews. TEE is my most important community outside of immediate family.  


Both Lisa and I have served on the Board of Trustees.  I am a Past President of TEE Brotherhood and have been active on many committees including multiple capital campaigns and our most recent rabbinic search. You may hear my harmonica from time to time when I accompany Rabbi Matt or play in the TEE Chai band.


Temple Emanu El has so much to offer.  We have programming that is interesting, educational, and sometimes even fun!  There are uplifting services, lifecycle events, along with a supportive and caring community.  If you are not yet a member, please visit us for a Friday night service.  If you are already a member, I hope you continue to participate in Temple events.  We are always glad to see you!


Mitchell Cronig, President

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