Advisors. CPAs. Partners.

“REDW played a crucial and pivotal role during the negotiation, pre-sale, and post-sale phases during the acquisition of our business this year. They truly made a positive difference throughout the process, and played a key role in the very strong sale results.”

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Brett Creaser, P.E. Senior Vice PresidentSPD Holdings, Inc.

Numbers and data can paint a picture – but only tell part of the story.

Your business is a multifaceted entity that requires a comprehensive and innovative strategy for success, whatever its stage of development. At REDW, we have been at the forefront of this approach for decades. We are committed to embracing new ideas and providing trusted expertise across an array of integrated advisory services – including software solutions, HR consulting, forensic & dispute advisory, business valuation, and cybersecurity – helping countless clients meet their specific needs so they can move forward with confidence.

Guiding Direction

Guiding Direction

Have a bright idea and need to move it forward, or are you in the market to transition through sale or acquisition? REDW can help every step of the way.

Explore Services


Capitalize on opportunities and minimize risks. We will make it easy to focus.



We act as an integral part of your management team. We’re only successful when you are.



We combine integrity with creativity to reach your financial goals.

Tribal Nations

Tribal Nations

We focus on helping you build financial stability for future generations.

Strategic Solutions

REDW offers a comprehensive array of services designed to help organizations become more vital. These include Cybersecurity Scorecards, Fiduciary Retirement Plan Assessments for Businesses and Tribal Nations, Tribal Compensation Reports, and Financial Software Solutions with Sage Intacct.


REDW’s highly qualified and credible experts provide industry-relevant information, knowledge, and resources to prepare what lies ahead and the possibilities for your financial fitness.

Economic Update: Rate Cuts to Be Shelved by the Fed

With recent numbers indicating a weakening of the economy—but nothing to indicate a recession—and positive job growth, it seems reasonable...
Economic Update: Rate Cuts to Be Shelved by the Fed

How Outdated Policies & Procedures Impact Tribal Organizations with Cait Gutierrez, CPA, CIDA

For all types of organizations, turnover and evolving roles are common issues that both contribute to outdated policies and procedures and require...
How Outdated Policies & Procedures Impact Tribal Organizations with Cait Gutierrez, CPA, CIDA

Navigating Business Transformation: The Stages of Change

In response to significant change, organizations and their members often experience a set of stages similar to the five stages...
Navigating Business Transformation: The Stages of Change
2023 Year-end Tax Planning

2023 Year-end Tax Planning

As we approach year-end, now is the time for individuals, business owners and family offices to review their 2023 and 2024 tax situations and identify opportunities for reducing, deferring or accelerating tax obligations.

SECURE Act 2.0

SECURE Act 2.0

Prepare now and rethink your savings strategies in 2024 as recent updates to the SECURE Act 2.0 will start impacting individuals and businesses alike in 2024. But with more than 100 new provisions made to savings plans, where do you start?

2024 Software Training

2024 Software Training

Gain in-depth and hands-on knowledge of MIP Fund Accounting and Microix Software applications from REDW’s certified and experienced trainers in small training sessions offered in-person and virtually via Zoom.

Affiliations & Acknowledgements

Affiliations & Acknowledgements

We actively develop strategic alliances and associations that uphold our vision to be a national provider of premier client services with unique expertise. These partnerships are integral to our purpose of making impactful contributions to the lives of our clients, our communities, and each team member.

Ready to build a roadmap for your financial future?

We can show you the way.

Get Started