Welcome Home!

Our Faith is 2,000 years old.

Our thinking is not.

Join us for
our worship service
Sunday Mornings at 10:30

The worship service at 10:30 is streamed live on YouTube; if you cannot visit us in person, 
please watch us here (below) or on YouTube at www.youtube.com/uccftl.

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Online Giving

Giving is an act of worship!

Your generous donation allows our church to shine the Light of Christ, and to spread the Gospel of love, unity, and peace.

Your offering/donation is processed safely through PayPal.

There are also other ways to facilitate giving:

  1.  Regular mail — Make check payable to United Church of Christ Fort Lauderdale and mail it to 2501 NE 30th St., Fort Lauderdale FL 33306
  2.   Zelle®  — You can transfer money directly from your bank to the church; in your banking app, simply send payment to United Church of Christ Fort Lauderdale at admin@uccftl.org. This can also be made a recurring payment so you can “set it and forget it.”

Questions? Call the office administrator at 954-563-4271 or email admin@uccftl.org — we can help with any questions or assist you in setting up automatic giving (weekly, monthly, etc.).

You are welcome here!

Whoever you are, where ever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!

That statement pretty much says it all. We welcome all in Worship and in our church and pride ourselves on being a church of extravagant welcome. From families, singles, elderly, homeless, gay, straight, transgender, black, white, yellow, green. We exclude no one.

Our Church is an ONA church. To say that a UCC Church is “Open and Affirming” (ONA) means that we have publicly declared that “lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, questioning” (LGBTQ) people (or those of all “sexual orientations”) are welcome in the full life and ministry (i.e. membership, leadership, employment, etc.). It bespeaks a spirit of hospitality and a willingness to live out that welcome in meaningful ways. Transgender people or gender identity and gender expression are increasingly included in ONA declarations, statements or policies.

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