Just Like You Remeber

Our Store is Open

9am - 6pm Monday - Friday
10am - 5pm Saturday

Sponge Boxes
Sponge Boxes
Regular price $13.50

Only 68 items in stock!

Our most popular product. 1 inch square cubes of puffed, toasted sugar with a sweet honey-like flavor, coated in Milk, Dark, or Orange Flavored Milk Chocolate. Does not hold up well in warm, humid weather, therefore we do not make any in the summer.


WAHL'S is by far the best chocolatier ever! I've lived and shared this candy with family & friends my entire life. 


Best sponge candy ever. My sister bought me a box for Christmas. I knew what it was when I shook it! Yummy


I’ve been getting Wahl's chocolate hearts forever! Can’t wait to come in. Best orange chocolate ever!


Come On In
130 Losson Rd